Wednesday, December 31, 2008
{ last day of 2008 }

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
some quirky illustrations?

:) Some updates with work illustrations I did for a Malaysian band's website. Link will be up when the site's ready and you can see more with animation~
I drew most of the elements (basically everything except for the drum city at the left back, the boulevard in the centre back and the mountains in the bg).

Thursday, September 18, 2008
test paint

I chanced upon my fellow colleague, Kai, watching this artist produce his works by using photographs in the initial process and then treating and manipulating them to paint over etc. I find it pretty useful, since I'm still learning how to pick colours for paintings. Though I don't use the guy's method 100% like he does, I just made use of the pictures for colours. :]
I prefer using photographs as textures, but I think I would be happy to manipulate photos to get interesting shapes to form new art.
The above was a test paint using colours from the original flower image I had. I love the blues and yellows. Her hair colour wasn't part of the original image though. She's giving off a rather pierrot/clown-like quality because of her skin and lip colours. It's still rather flat though. I'm not satisfied with the shading (or lack thereof). Oh well, better one next time.
Oh, and she reminds me of my doll girl, Kotone. I wanted to paint/draw the next dolly I'm saving up for. She's going to have a snow white skintone, is sleepy-eyed and look like a bisque/antique doll? I'm so not saving much at all. -weeps-
Monday, September 15, 2008
First Hardboiled Article

Friday, August 1, 2008

Did a digital sketch of a bird girl yesterday. :x She was originally a mermaid, but I didn't like the flow of her body so she eventually became a singing bird human lady. Sketching's fun.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Brian Biedul references
His original pieces:
twins / mirror image
A quickie I did just now:
:x I ought to resist posting 'sketchy', 'sort-of incomplete' artworks on my DA. =_= Since now I have this yummy artblog which isn't governed by the comments/faves that people give... ._. Oh well...
Hmm, a piece on a very cliche/heavily-used theme of one's mirror image being alive, or having an evil twin. I originally wanted to paint a peroxide blonde guy (who was going to be inspired by this guy I saw last evening on the streets) but argh, I couldn't make it. I want to do more dynamic posing, but what did I end up with. =_= I've always wanted to try reflective patterns, and this is a half-step towards it. A very neutral piece for now. I haven't gone in depth like using colours to represent each side's wrath/tranquility and making more use of different forms. So yup. First half-step. Will do better next time.
Painted this while listing to 阿兰 (A Lan)'s [心·战], [明日への讃歌] and [ひとつ]. She's so talented, I like her voice and her high notes. You can watch some of her pv's on youtube: here, here (fave high notes) and here. Her voice raises good goosebumps. :)
Monday, July 28, 2008
r e v i v a l

While here're some w.i.p's of the [End Earth] character, Nyl: (yes, there are quite a bit of unproportionate parts here and there, everywhere lol)

Here's an illustration for one of the children's book ideas about a little vampire child (dated 30th of June):

:) That's all for now.