Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Brian Biedul references

I just found Brian Biedul's wonderful series of oil paintings titled Spaces. So I tried to work on some sketches with reference from his series:

His original pieces:

And here be my 10~15minute renditions in photoshop (ugly toes and all):

twins / mirror image

A quickie I did just now:

:x I ought to resist posting 'sketchy', 'sort-of incomplete' artworks on my DA. =_= Since now I have this yummy artblog which isn't governed by the comments/faves that people give... ._. Oh well...

Hmm, a piece on a very cliche/heavily-used theme of one's mirror image being alive, or having an evil twin. I originally wanted to paint a peroxide blonde guy (who was going to be inspired by this guy I saw last evening on the streets) but argh, I couldn't make it. I want to do more dynamic posing, but what did I end up with. =_= I've always wanted to try reflective patterns, and this is a half-step towards it. A very neutral piece for now. I haven't gone in depth like using colours to represent each side's wrath/tranquility and making more use of different forms. So yup. First half-step. Will do better next time.

Painted this while listing to 阿兰 (A Lan)'s [心·战], [明日への讃歌] and [ひとつ]. She's so talented, I like her voice and her high notes. You can watch some of her pv's on youtube: here, here (fave high notes) and here. Her voice raises good goosebumps. :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

r e v i v a l

It's been many years since I last used blogspot for doing journals. :) Now I'm starting up this new journal as more of an art dump for sketches and finished work etc.
Some digital sketches I did today to refresh my mind about the human form. I haven't practised gesture drawing for many weeks already and I feel very stiff. I'll scan in the other gesture drawings I did during the last three months and post them up.

While here're some w.i.p's of the [End Earth] character, Nyl: (yes, there are quite a bit of unproportionate parts here and there, everywhere lol)

Here's an illustration for one of the children's book ideas about a little vampire child (dated 30th of June):

And a digital painting of a bust done on the 9th of June this year. :[

:) That's all for now.