Monday, December 7, 2009
I do love it, after all
Sunday, November 1, 2009

I am happy with my trees and backgrounds... However, I get so intimidated painting human skin. :( I'm stuck painting Snow White. I have no idea how to continue... T__T

Monday, July 6, 2009
pencil drawings rock

Here're some drawings I did today (with photo references), after getting muchly inspired by Cornish's art.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Went shopping at Zara yesterday. I love the soft fabrics they have for most of their clothes, it just feels absolutely divine to wear and touch. I am still wanting to have a luxurious spree there one day. The daydream of being able to purchase more than 2 pieces in their stores one day.
I just searched them up on wiki and read about their 'fast fashion' state. I like this marketing strategy of theirs:
"The company's instant fashion model, which completely rotated its retail stock every two weeks, also encouraged customers to return often to its stores, with delivery day becoming known as "Z-day" in some markets. The knowledge that clothing items would not be available for very long also encouraged shoppers to make their purchases more quickly." quoted from their Wiki page.
I do feel like that! There was this one time I went there in search of a dress to wear to a friend's wedding dinner and found a pretty royal purple dress. I didn't buy it thinking I ought to look around more in the other shops. And just a few days later I decided I will get that dress after all, only to return and find it out of stock. :( That is how fast their items disappear off the racks. So from then on, I made up my mind that should I fancy anything when I'm there I ought to get it immediately so as not to disappoint myself. Of course, it shouldn't be impulsive buys, but smart buys. Buys I know that I will definitely wear countless times.
I hope my dolly clothing shop online can be somewhat like this, too. I recently stated in announcements that we do not make large quantities of products. One item is usually a one-of-a-kind or limited to less than 10 pieces. I feel that our items are exclusive this way, plus we are not a factory, but more of a small shop. Our prices are reasonable as well, compared to other doll clothing makers in the market. Plus quality is on par or even better too, since my mother's sewing skills are phenomenal. <3>
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
some relaxing photos

I've recently found yet another nice song sung by Hatsune Miku. It's a trance piece called [Silence]. I have also started relistening to Gackt's 2000 album, [Mars]. I still like [Ares] best, of course, it goes perfect with [Asrun Dream], the song that comes right after it. :( It's been nine years since I started liking Gackt's things... It's sad how I only like his older works. I suppose I prefer him in his angsty jrock stage in life more than his popstar thing now.
Monday, June 1, 2009
something I forgot

Oh, and beautiful song and powerful images here on Youtube. It's called [KOKORO], and sung by a NicoNico Singer, Namakonyuruko. Though, the original piece was sung by a vocaloid. I like this mv better. :) Ah... Perhaps I ought to dig up that album of Hatsune Miku's I still have with me. I listened too much to it that I grew sick of the songs. Oops... That's what happens to most of my listening-happy songs. :( I listen too much and kill the joys in them. Hope I like them again now.
Monday, May 25, 2009
a girl.
Friday, May 22, 2009
sweet orchard

Thursday, May 21, 2009
dessert time!
Ohh, and Typeracer is pretty fun. My highest was 96 wpm. Some people type 201 wpm, which is incredibly amazing.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday again.
Here's another 'speedy' with reference to one of the pictures from Mr. Hans Bacher's Moments collection of images. I like this sort of feeling the most (especially when I'm daydreaming)...
And here's a composition piece I doodled for fun. Excuse the rubbish on the floor. Would work better if the whites are stark whites, though.
It's a little sad how I didn't have any inspiration for Wacom's [Bring your vision to life] contest. :( I suppose I don't feel skilled enough to produce something for it yet.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
a bucket
Oh yes, these little pieces usually take me a few hours. Perhaps 1 to 2 hours. All done on a single layer without the use of the eraser. Speedpaint? My reference photo was from Kristin Bradley on Flickr.
Oh, oh, and my boss brought the art team to a meeting with Imaginary Friends Studio the day before yesterday! -flails- It was so awesome meeting the artists in person and I got to shake hands with the three founders: Artgerm, Kai and Kunkka. My mood lifted quite a bit after this visit. :) Inspired by real people, indeed. I was a little disappointed I didn't bring any namecards to give in return to the ones I received. Oops. ._.
On another note, the weather's been rather odd. Thundering and pouring in the wee hours of the morning and going cloudless in the day. The sun's unforgiving rays can burn things right off the surface, I tell you. However, the grasses and trees are surviving. I enjoy the quiet walks to work every day. Sometimes, leaves rustle in the cool breeze. Other times, mynahs and sparrows hop around on the verdant grasses by the road. The sky can be so blue. I do miss the large expanse of unblocked skies I could see in Sydney though. The sky here gets blocked so often.
Thursday, April 30, 2009

I think I'm slowly getting inspired to draw character art... Seeing so many awesome artworks by the Korean artists online is making my fingers itch more to create something new... I just don't know who to draw and I want to come up with more new characters of my own. I used to create characters by the dozens each week. What the heck... ._.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
This was done wholly without picking colours from the original photo. x_x I've been guilty of picking colours from photos to colour my things because I'm lazy. Working off my bad habits, I kind of surprised myself. The histogram didn't turn out almost the same, but it's fun! I love the colours in this.
I've been going through his blog for the past few days, prior to attending his fulltime course I just signed up with CG Protege scheduled to start at the end of June. <3
And another try below, with one of Onixa on DA's photos for reference. She captures a lovely combination of colours/treats her photos very well. I love viewing her photographs because of the different feels I get from each.

Oh, and this poor girl whom I've been stuck on for the past few weeks. x_x I had reference for her awesome pose and it was originally full bodied, but I realise how she looked odd. Cropping seemed feasible. Is she holding onto a whip?! A baton? A baseball bat? What?? I think I'm procrastinating on this chick... Oh wait, her left hand is off. ARGH.

>> Listening to Namie Amuro's [ Best Fiction ] album now. She sounds so hawt. Well, I usually don't take English R&B well because the lyrics get way too raunchy for me (though sometimes it's unfortunate as the music is great on the other hand). Korean and Japanese work better as long as I don't search up the lyric translations. :x I suppose I go for music/beats/rhythms more than lyrics.
Health-wise, my sore eye is STILL around after more than a month. I just wish it'll go away NOW. Dammit... It's freaking me out seeing my left eye blood red in the mornings. =_= Also, I freak people out with my 'demon eye'... It's embarrassing. :(
Friday, April 24, 2009
fleur ange~
So I messed around in photoshop with the colours and textures from cgtextures. :] I worked with a colour palette I created on Colour Lovers (though not stringently). I actually wanted to do a mirror image thing, but I've yet to try it out. Perhaps next time?
This image was originally created for Valentine's Day. ._. Rather late, I might say...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
End Earth character update
Saturday, February 14, 2009
More colourful things

The latest work I did for a project at work. The original colours are more vibrant. :3 Was asked to draw three globes in a quirky style and filled with objects and each having one satellite dish. It was pretty fun to work on these. This above image is my own rendition using the original colours to showcase my work. The one to be used will be rendered/tweaked by the designer to fit the project.