I've been busy with work recently, and didn't have much inspiration for art when I was free this past month, thus the lack of updates. I managed to borrow D.M. Cornish's [ FOUNDLING ], which is volume one of his Monster Blood Tattoo series. I love his drawings! Not only is he a good writer, his art is wonderful too. They're perfect for animation. <3He uses pencils and his character silhouettes are very interesting. Here's a scan of one of my favourite characters: I've finished the first book and am now into his second. The books are mainly for young adults. Ah, I still prefer Tamora Pierce's and Raymond E. Feist's books and characters, though. If their books have artworks like D.M. Cornish's too, it'll be a superb experience and makes it all the more worthwhile buying their books. I do collect Pierce's Tortall series, and only recently bought Feist's newest release. Perhaps I ought to do some fan art. D:
Here're some drawings I did today (with photo references), after getting muchly inspired by Cornish's art.