Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beginning of some Collection drawings

So I found this unused sketchbook lying around with smooth cream paper and a beautiful rose red cover that I've been keeping for 'one day'. This day just so happened to be that 'one day' and I have decided to doodle my collectives in it. I have plans for purses, handbags, perfume bottles, types of ferns, stationery etc. in mind.

I left the first page blank for a proper 'cover page' when inspiration hits, and drew some heels I like on the first arting page with their respective brand titles. Some labels write up gorgeous descriptions for their products, and I like noting them down forever with pen on paper.

Ahhh~ Smooth paper is still the best for these COPIC Multiliners. <3 Oh my, so the previous sketchbook will be abandoned for now? :'(

Here's a look at the completed first page:

There's a washing machine there because Miss Selfridge stated their sandals are machine washable. For real? Won't the heels dent the insides of your machine?

Friday, August 19, 2011

The future looks sparkling~

As the end of August draws near, I can't help feeling more and more excited. There is a public holiday to be had and then comes the beginning of a brand new chapter in my life. *happy dance* I need to save more money, keep my finances in check but oh boy, there are so many things I would love to have!

I shall publish my wishlist here:

- Maruman Mnemosyne A5 Graph style notebooks: for layout sketching fun! I'll be touching more on publications with my new place, this would come in handy. :>
- iMac: I *still* want one. ;_; My CS5.5 lags on my miserable old MBP.
- Moschino Glamour fragrance: Smells inspire me.
- A3 drawing paper: I've recently been invited to join Artflakes, a platform for selling art prints. Would like to draw bigger so more details can be incorporated and finally sell art again.

As well as things to do:

- Complete ABC app
- Draw
- redesign my website (yesss, when can I do this...)

I've been reading up on various articles and books on design for the past few weeks, learning stuff as I go along. <3

Anyway, I look forward to spending my half-day off from work getting my hair cut as well as another attempt to tidy up my room. I want my cupboards neatened up and more useful instead of just there for storage and mess. *faints* TGIF! :D

Thursday, August 11, 2011

sketch walk

Went on my first proper sketch walk with a friend this National Day (Tuesday). It wasn't very long before our stomachs protested, but at least we enjoyed the quiet time doodling this interestingly detailed building on our way to Duxton Plain.

Here's what I managed to do:
There were so many more buildings on our way to our lunch destination, beckoning for us to stop and draw them. We agreed that the next trip out shall begin at 9am on full stomachs as well as bags stocked full of sandwiches and water. :p

Since my last post, my portfolio look has since changed and I managed to find a new design job! Whoopee! :D I can't wait for the first of September.